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audio controller 40 zones (16 independent + 24 slave) for multiroom system integrable with FULL HD matrixes, SKY and domotic systems
Installable in every kind of environment: home/domotic home, residence, offices, medical/dental surgeries, old age homes, SPA and wellness centres, restaurants, PUB, swimming pools, communities, other...
AUDIO multiroom controller.
It allows to manage 40 audio zones (16 independent + 24 subzones) by remote controls ##Vivaldi Giove FreeNet##.
Power supply: 220Vca - Max 1000VA.
Power output: switched 220Vca max 500VA for sources supply.
USB port in the front of the controller.
Colour: silk-screen-printed silver front, black chassis.
Dimensions 440x92x320 mm (LxHxD) - weight 9,5 Kg.
Multiroom controller with USB port on front to play Mp3 files (music, messages...).
7 common sources + LCD display + USB audio reader + AUXIN + 1 Radio in each zone.
Internal interface for control by: IR + RS232 + RS485 + LAN
Remote controls with integrated devices:
OLed display
USB READER of audio files (MP3, WMA, AAC)
MICROPHONE for sending messages (general call priority)
IR receiver
Local source input
IR codes internal memory
scenes internal memory
contacts for 6 scenes automatic recall
Managemet by iPad – iPhone – Smartphone - other control devices (by ##Vivaldi Giove iControl2##)
VIDEO integrable by the controller Vivaldi Giove CA3MKII or by the Vivaldi G&G Line HDMI matrixes.
Integrable with main home automation brands sold (Knx-Crestron-Vimar-Amx-Master…).
SKY control, optional internal memory for 6 messages (EVAC, advertising, timetables, …other).